Save mobile data. Talk 6X more.

Thanks to Zangi advanced technologies have more talk-time for your MBs. Save mobile data with the “Low Data Usage” Mode.

Consume 6x Less Data than
with Other Messengers

Make high quality calls on Zangi for up to 7 minutes using a single Megabyte of bandwidth.

How to Use the Lowest Data Usage Messenger
Enable the “Low Data Usage” mode on Zangi to save mobile data when making phone calls on slow or expensive network connections. Find this mode in your app settings.

Save mobile data comparison with Zangi vs WhatsApp vs Viber

Minutes to talk on voice call while using 1 MB of bandwidth

The Technology Behind the System

Zangi-developed Streaming Control Protocol (SCP) was designed to replace Realtime Transportation Protocol (RTP) as a standard for online data transmission. SCP works by reducing the size of the payload format in order to carry up to 25% more data in IP networks on the same bandwidth.

The advantages provided by SCP include low bandwidth usage, smart Internet channel for data transmission, fast and smart recovery for lost packages, Internet Channel Quality-Adaptive system and a fully codec-independent platform.